Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Shining Houses

The difference between losing a home, and losing your self-worth is apparent. The main issue when becoming a victim of a crime or an indiscretion is being robbed of something of importance. I feel as though material possessions and your voice are incomparable. Houses, by most means - are replaceable, though self esteem and confidence take years to establish and maintain.

My main issue with Mary is that fact that she was aware of Mrs.Fullertons situation, yet did not voice it to the other neighbours. I believe if Mary was any sort of a good person, she would have stood up for her beliefs and protected Mrs.Fullerton. Though i am aware how difficult it may be to stand up for yourself - let alone another human being - i am certain that if she truly cared for Mrs. Fullerton, she would have helped by any means necessary. That is why i have no real sympathy for Mary, shes young and capable - yet she cant seem to stand up for an elderly, helpless woman. Mary should be ashamed of herself for allowing this to happen, yet for some reason, i feel she is somewhat of a victim - but by her own means. She allowed herself to be put in that position yet, feels sorry for herself - i find that pathetic.

Mrs.Fullerton is the true victim, because she was basically forced to cooperate with her neighbors, and had no way to protect herself or her home. She was taken advantage of and basically at a loss for her own dignity. She too was not the only one to lose her voice.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your points. Again, I would just add in textual evidence to support your thesis.


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