Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Examples of good and bad writing

Examples of bad writing:

The first example of bad writing starts with truism it states that our society is made up of individuals, when we already know that if our society was not made up of individuals then it wouldn’t be a society. It also includes that the individual has individual thoughts and actions, and we also know if this wasn’t present they wouldn’t be individuals. As well as using truism the author overloads the reader with questions. This can be overwhelming for a reader, especially when it seems as though the author doesn’t seem to have his/her own answers to these questions. A solution to this may be to “go on a diet” with the question asking. This paragraph ends on a negative note. All together this paragraph presents you with definitions you already know, an overwhelming amount of questions to frustrate yourself with, and those who we consider intelligent that research nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values have all wasted their time.

The second example of bad writing is too clever it is using unnecessary words to make it sound more intelligent when really all they are doing in confusing the reader. It is a four line sentence that most likely could have been written in two. They have put far too much detail into trying to make a single point. They could fix this by taking out the unnecessary information, or splitting the information in to multiple sentences.

The third example of bad writing gives you a specific fact about Freud but does not give you a source to reference from. This leaves the reader with uncertainty of the truth. The paragraph also starts with a quotation, leaving out an introduction.

All the examples of bad writing leave out sources

Examples of good writing:

The first example of good writing is very clear, it uses intelligent phrases but is precise making it enjoyable for the reader. It includes factual content that is believable, and it includes a source if any doubt was present. It educates the reader by condensing the information, making it easy to understand, this giving the reader satisfaction.

The second example of good writing incorporates the quotations into the sentences with references. It asks one question and later explains it therefore the reader is not overwhelmed, frustrated, or confused.

The third example of good writing is written with confidence. It includes questions that are later explained clearly and precisely. It informs the reader of the knowledge needed to answer the questions. It ends in a question but since the reader has been given information, it allows them the ability to form their own answer. Overall the paragraph includes factual content that is explained thoroughly, but not to the point where the reader becomes uninterested.

All the examples of good writing include sources

1 comment:

  1. You've done a solid job of pointing out where each passage went wrong, with reference to the Seven Types of Bad Writing. The only thing I could mention for improvement, as I said with another one of your entries, is to make sure you proofread. By doing so, you'll remove some pesky grammatical/syntax/spelling errors that just bog down the reading. Overall though, you've done a good job of explaining your thoughts.


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