Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Two Words" by Isabel Allende

"Two Words" by Isabel Allende

In the beginning I automatically felt a connection to title of the story and name the main female character's name that she was given at baptismal. Belisa Crepusculario, the main character was famous for her first and last name, which people often made a point to call her by. The two words automatically stood out to me for some unknown reason. I believe the two words that she shared with The Colonel were perhaps the translation in what her name meant, "beauty" and "twilight”. It stated later in the story that these words meant just for him, so this made me assume that maybe, not very many other people knew the actual translation to her name.

As I analyzed the story, I begin to pounder if maybe the words she whispered to him "love you" but nothing seems quite right. I think the main goal the author tried to accomplish with the title of the story was to make us wonder what the actual words were. The story did state that that the words were mean just for him, perhaps the author intended it to stay what way. The author’s goal with the main character Belisa Crepusculario was to have her remain a mystery. This finally drew me to connection that the title, the two words and Belisa are all connected in the same way. They are never to really be known or discovered. Much like woman, they are not meant to be figured out, just accepted for what they are – a complete enigma.


  1. Hey Paige. Make sure to proofread your work. There are some spelling/capitalization/grammatical errors that are slightly annoying.

    Again with this entry I would try to include more textual evidence.

    Overall, I think all of your ideas are very insightful and quite plausible. I would just expand upon your opinions to a) clarify your intent and b) prove your thesis.

    Best of luck with your future entries!

  2. thanks max, i never noticed my mistakes, i had a really bad headache that day haha. ill be sure to fix it up.

    thanks again


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