Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Formalism (new criticism) – “Araby”

I believe that the story “Araby” is solely based on the signification of a young boy’s painful translation into adulthood. I believe this because; often a passage into adulthood usually signifies an important (sometimes traumatic) event or circumstance in a young person’s life. In this case, the young boy makes the transition into adulthood by experiencing heart break, something many, (if not all of us) will experience in our life time. Although, the major reason why this is such a significant moment in this boy’s life is because forces him to detach himself from the crazed fantasy world he adapted too, and deemed reality.

This boy had an unusual obsession with a girl that seemed a tad unhealthy. His emotions controlled his every action, which is a very dangerous and destructive path to follow. The heartbreak that the boy experienced allowed him to see the world in clear focus for the first time, in the eyes of a mature young man. Sometimes life is not everything you expected, and sometimes the love of your life does slip though your fingers, and I believe the boy finally saw that for the first time in his young life. I believe it was a very shocking and life altering pain that snapped him back into reality, and allowed him to finally deal with his emotions and feeling for this young girl in more healthy way.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that all young people will often experience a "traumatic event" that triggers them into adulthood. Still, do you feel that this transition is completely instant? Or do you think that it is just the catalyst which begins change? Just something to expand upon.

    Also, I would make sure to back up your claims with evidence from the text. It will really add much more oomph to your statements.

    Finally, I understand how you say that the heartbreak allowed him to see with new eyes (which is evident from the text - insert a quotation here?) but I was just wondering what evidence is there that proves it is the eyes of a "mature young man" as opposed to simply a brokenhearted boy?

    Just some thoughts. Overall though, I really like the ideas you presented about Araby.


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